Path to Mastery mentoring, coaching and ceremonies offer an unfolding of your most amazing ‘whole’ Self with it’s accompanying skills and unique talents. It involves an eclectic blend of Body oriented awareness, Voice Dialogue, Emotional Release, and Ed’s own version of Shadow Integration Work.
‘Path to Mastery Offerings:
- Couples – re-creating meaningful connection; communication issues, recovery from betrayals; sacred sensuality & sexuality
- Singles – intimacy issues; stress; discover and live with purpose; moving from depression and anxiety to wholeness
- Shadow Integration Zoom Classes
- ‘The 5 Personality Patterns’ (Steven Kessler) class; understanding and working with patterns in yourself and others.
Path to Mastery transformation begins with embracing and integrating both the shadows that block us from our fullest expression of Self; as well as knowing and living in the truth of who we are. Ed believes that when head, heart and soul are aligned with purpose, transformation happens with less effort.
Our shadow is a very elusive and powerful part of our being. Shadow material impacts us in ways that we can never fully discover. Shadow stops us from loving to the fullest, having the abundance we say we want, and may keep us distracted from really knowing the truth of who we are.
The truth is that we are magnificent beyond our imagination.
Ignoring shadow will never help us realize this; but knowing it will guide us to deeper truths to know and express in our world.
Want to be more loving? Know both your shadow and your heart.
Want more abundance? Know your shadow and your magnificence.
Want the relationship of your dreams? Know deeply your shadow and your innate gifts.
Knowing does not mean just an acknowledgement of its existence; but knowing it means a willingness to explore and feel all the aspects of it without contracting. Your shadow AND your symptoms of distress become your greatest teachers and are a source of your greatest gifts. When shadow is integrated, it becomes the compost for which your magnificence can grow and unfold.

Ongoing Webinars and Groups
Contact Ed for up to date offerings.
Latest Blogs
The Shadow Integration Series
What is Shadow? What is Shadow Integration and how do we do it? I have some good news and not so good news. Many of the parts of ourselves that we've disowned, rejected, and deny carry an energy that impacts us, our relationships and our lives in ways we don't like....
Do you know you Belong?
Do you BELONG? I met the most fascinating man recently. Ray and his caucasian wife Barb lived on the edges of wild Alaska for many decades. They lived with wolves, dog sledded across the winter wilderness; survived frostbite and plane crashes and still found a way to...
In watching Ed teach about sexuality and the potential of intimacy with self and other, I am inspired and encouraged toward greater fulfillment and joy in my own life
Sandy Freid, M.Ed.